Project Details

Project start date: 04/2021
Project launch time, months: 1
Number of completed tasks: 21
Number of flights: 2


  • Autodesk Inventor

CVS Engineering

CVS Engineering GmbH

When a single euro, that is saved in manufacturing a part, is scaled into a series production of tens of thousands of units.

The engineers’ job lies in optimizing this process as much as possible, to calculate not just the cheapest options, but the most optimal ones. Therefore, just as every cent is scaled, the same way errors are scaled. That is why development designed for series production has the highest level of responsibility.

All the important main components of the CVS compressors and vacuum pumps are produced directly in-house. CVS has a comprehensive pool of production machines up to a high-performance, highly automated processing centre and a 3D measuring machine for this.Dealing with CVS is an example of deliberate clear collaboration with attention to the smallest detail.

And we are very satisfied with the result.

Involved Specialties

Stage of execution

Define a perfect team lead

The best team lead has all the relevant technical skills. He is a strong leader, who is also interested and highly motivated in the area of our customer’s activity.

Involve qualified engineers

After the first examination, we form a suitable team for each case together with the team lead. We involve released engineers or recruit new team members.

Analysis of the customer approach

Here we study all internal technical and organizational peculiarities in order to fully adapt our working style to the customer

Start remote work

Now we are able to offer an excellent remote service

Increase number of engineers

Usually customers want to increase the engineering capacity
